Sunday, August 11, 2019

Joomla K2 Base [August 2019]

Joomla K2 Base 

(update August 2019)

    It released an updated database selected for the right signs + 2 passed level filtering software from different manufacturers. This database is the most up to date and do not get fooled by sellers from the base, where explicitly stated inflated figures, such as 600 and even 800 thousands
Believe me so much "cleaner" JK2 not exist in nature!))

 Features of this database:
                                - Unique, especially for blogs promotion;
                                - great mass & general trust;
                                - A standard format .txt;
                                - Remove duplicates;
                                - Sorted in alphabetical order;
                                - A check for 200;
                                - Cleaning of Black-list;
                                - Removed the garbage;
                                - 100% validity.

Get Joomla K2

    Buy this base Joomla K2 is now easier than ever. Just take it and enjoy it with pleasure!